Ways to Get Involved

Volunteering for the 50/50 Show

If anyone would like to earn a voucher by Gallery Staffing during the 50/50 show there are several dates & times still open. Office Staff will be on premises at all times to help with artwork sales, but we still need friendly faces at the front desk of the West Wing and the midway table in the East Wing. Both locations have safety plexiglass installed around the desk to help keep the volunteers as safe as possible. If you can help on any dates below, please email GalleryStaffing@yahoo.com with the date & time.

Saturday, Sept 26th, 1 til 3 pm (West Wing)
Sunday, Sept 27th, 3 til 5 pm (both West & East Wing)

Friday, Oct. 2nd, 1 til 3 pm (East Wing)
Friday, Oct 2nd, 5 til 7 pm (East)
Saturday, Oct 3rd, 3 til 5 pm (West)
Sunday, Oct 4th, 3 til 5 pm (East)

Friday, Oct 9th, 3 til 5 pm (both West & East Wing)
Friday, Oct 9th, 5 til 7 pm (both West & East Wing)
Saturday, Oct 10th, 1 til 3 pm (East)
Saturday, Oct 10th, 3 til 5 pm (East)

Nominations for AGP Officers Election for 2021

If any AGP member in good standing would like to run for a position on the AGP Board, please send your request to current Election Chair Charlotte at GalleryStaffing@yahoo.com before November 1st. The positions of President, Vice President, Secretary and Member at Large are all up for election at the December AGP General Meeting.


Be well, AGP Members!