2024 Board Slate Announcement

You Are All Invited to the
Annual Member Meeting and 2024 Elected Board Vote
Sunday November 19, 2023     


The Member Meeting is an opportunity to meet with the 2023 Board, to hear about the year’s accomplishments, and plans for 2024, including the exhibit themes, and to vote on the 2024 Board slate. Bring your questions and suggestions. Look for more Meeting information to come.

Bonnie Miller, Election Chair, announces the uncontested slate. Voting will be by show of hands of active members present. The other Board roles are appointed annually in January.

President (Officer) – Linette Morales (term 2 year 1)

I joined the Board in 2019 as At Large elect, and in the same role in 2020 coordinated an AGP online pop-up exhibit as a response to exhibiting during the pandemic. In 2021 as Vice President, I brought fresh ideas for member engagement -“Artist Spotlight” a feature highlighting randomly selected exhibiting members and “AGP for Creative Reuse” an AGP Facebook Group page where members may exchange art materials. In 2022 my first year as President, I launched “Suggest A Theme” a request for exhibiting AGP Annual Members show artists to suggest themes they feel would be an inspired show in the upcoming exhibition calendar year. I continue my quest to create engagement and exhibition participation. I have served as the AGP Annual Members and Awards Exhibition Coordinator in 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023; and continue as AGP Liaison to the Sanchez Art Center Board. I also continue my role as Sanchez Art Center’s part-time Operations Coordinator. I hold a BA in Studio Arts from CSU East Bay and bring over 15 years experience in the non-profit arts.

Vice President (Officer) – Michele Trausch (term 2 year 1)

I joined the Board in 2020 as an appointed AGP Liaison to the Sanchez Art Center Board and continue in that role.  I also assist our Membership Chair with renewals and new memberships and with Receiving for AGP’s exhibitions. I enjoy being more involved in AGP and its mission by continuing the Vice President role.  I was pro bono counsel to AGP beginning in the early 2000’s until my retirement before joining the Board. I’m an art enthusiast, volunteer at receiving for AGP exhibitions, and very much enjoy participating in the activities at the Sanchez Art Center. I also volunteer in other local community organizations.

Secretary (Officer) – Misha Flores (term 1 year 2)

I joined the board in 2017, and served as Secretary for two years. I was appointed Communications Chair in 2019 and continue in this role to manage our newsletter and website. I earned my BFA in Painting with a minor in Photography in 2006 from Texas Woman’s University. I have won awards from the Voertman Competition, the Visual Arts Society of Texas, Goddard Arts Center, and received the AGP Member Show Excellence Award.  I previously had the rewarding work of volunteering in many other capacities—teaching yoga to female inmates, facilitating a Thich Nhat Hanh meditation group and acting on their board, giving out groceries at a food pantry, teaching art to refugee children, caring for pinnipeds at The Marine Mammal Center, and painting signs for The Pacific Beach Coalition’s events. The last few years, I have focused mostly on volunteering with AGP. I am honored to help people to keep creating and sharing their art.

Kind regards,

Your 2023 Board:

Linette Morales- President, Liaison to SAC Board, Member and Exhibition Show Coordinator

Michele Trausch-Vice President, Liaison to SAC Board

Misha Flores- Communications Chair, Secretary

Daniele Derenzi- Treasurer, Gallery Store, Artists Gathering, Facebook, Winter Art Faire


Bonnie Miller- Immediate Past President, Liaison to SAC Board, 2023 Election Chair

Nancy Russell- West Gallery Chair

Kathy Miller- Membership Chair

Kristina Ayala- At Large Member, Winter Art Fair Co-Coordinator

Arthur Takayama- SAC Board President

Annual Meeting Dec 11 4pm

Annual Member Meeting Sunday Dec 11,2022 at 4PM    

The Member Meeting is an opportunity to meet with the 2022 Board, hear about the 2022 accomplishments and plans for 2022 including the exhibit themes, meet with and vote on the 2023 Board slate, and vote on the revised Bylaws. Bring  your questions, answers, suggestions, and comments.

Vote for four 2023 Board members. Bonnie Miller, Election Chair, announces the uncontested slate. Voting will be by show of hands of active members present. The other Board roles are appointed annually in January.

President (Officer) – Linette Morales (year 2)

I joined the Board in 2019 as At Large elect, and in the same role in 2020 coordinated the first online pop-up exhibit. In 2021 as Vice President, I brought fresh ideas for member engagement -“Artist Spotlight” a feature highlighting randomly selected exhibiting members and “AGP for Creative Reuse” an AGP Facebook Group page where members may exchange art materials; I also coordinated the Annual Member Shows. In 2022 my first year as President, I opened up 2023 exhibition year theme suggestions to participating AGP members in my continuing quest to create engagement and exhibition participation. I have served as the AGP Annual Members and Awards Exhibition Coordinator in 2020, 2021 and 2022. I continue my role as Sanchez Art Center’s part-time Operations Coordinator. I hold a BA in Studio Arts from CSU East Bay.

Vice President (Officer) – Michele Trausch (year 2)

I joined the Board in 2020 as an appointed AGP Liaison to the Sanchez Art Center Board. I worked on governance activities including compliance with State requirements and procuring appropriate insurance coverage, and co-led our Board governance training.  This year, I continued this appointment and activities as well as being Secretary.  I enjoy being more involved in AGP and its mission by continuing this role as  Vice President.  I was pro bono counsel to AGP beginning in the early 2000’s until my retirement before joining the Board. I’m an art enthusiast, volunteer at receiving for AGP exhibitions, and very much enjoy participating in the activities at the Sanchez Art Center. I also volunteer in other local community organizations.

Secretary (Officer) – Misha Flores (year 1)

I joined the board in 2017, and served as Secretary for two years. I was appointed Communications Chair in 2019 and continue in this role to manage our newsletter and website. I earned my BFA in Painting with a minor in Photography in 2006 from Texas Woman’s University. I have won awards from the Voertman Competition, the Visual Arts Society of Texas, Goddard Arts Center, and received the AGP Member Show Excellence Award.  I previously had the rewarding work of volunteering in many other capacities—teaching yoga to female inmates, facilitating a Thich Nhat Hanh meditation group and acting on their board, giving out groceries at a food pantry, teaching art to refugee children, caring for pinnipeds at The Marine Mammal Center, and painting billboards for The Pacific Beach Coalition’s Earth Day events. The last few years, I have focused pretty exclusively on volunteering with AGP. Coming back to look at art in the middle of the pandemic, after the isolation and collective trauma, highlighted for me how very indispensable art is to survival. I am honored to help people to keep creating and sharing their art.

Member at Large – Kristina Ayala (year 1)

I joined the Art Guild of Pacifica in 2013 and was selected as a Studio Artist in 2014. I was AGP Board Secretary for a few years in the past. We started Winter Art Faire during that time. It was an evolution from Galleria and open walls, and I coordinated adding vendors. I continue to co-coordinate this annual event. I founded Handmade Pacifica in 2020 and coordinated the first Handmade Pacifica event in 2021, hosted by Sanchez Art Center. 2022 was the second year. I also started Merry Manor Art Walk in 2021. I look forward to returning to the Board.  I earned my BFA in Painting and Printmaking in 2006 from San Francisco State University,  then earned a teaching credential in 2007. I’m currently a Middle School Art Teacher and exhibit my art locally. I was juried into the Sanchez Art Center’s 50-50 Show 3 times. I received the AGP Member Show Award of Excellence in 2019 for a ceramic sculpture that lead to an exhibition in 2020.

Vote on proposed Bylaws revision. Bonnie Miller and Michele Trausch, Bylaws Committee, announce the proposed revised Bylaws, unchanged from the draft provided earlier.  Voting will be by show of hands of active members present.


Kind regards,

Your 2022 Board:

Linette Morales- President, SAC Board member

Michele Trausch-Vice President, Secretary, Liaison to SAC Board, 2022 Bylaws Committee

Misha Flores- Communications Chair

Daniele Derenzi- Treasurer,  Gallery Store, Gathering of Artists, Facebook, Winter Art Faire Co-Coordinator

Bonnie Miller- Immediate Past President, Liaison to SAC Board, 2023 Election Chair, 2022 Bylaws Committee, Gallery Attendant Coordinator

Nancy Russell- West Gallery Chair

Kathy Miller- Membership Chair

Jennifer Alpaugh- At Large Member

Arthur Takayama- SAC Board President

Call for 2023 AGP Board Nominations Oct 1-14

Four Board positions are elected annually according to our Bylaws:

President, Vice President, Secretary, and At Large. Other roles are appointed. Board roles are described in our Bylaws.

The current draft slate includes: President Linette Morales for 2nd term, Vice President Michele Trausch for 2nd term, Misha Flores for Secretary, and Kristina Ayala for At Large.

Please contact agp.artguild@gmail.com if interested in nominating yourself or
another. Bonnie Miller, the Election Chair, can speak with you.

Voting will be by show of hands at our General Member Meeting Dec. 11. The slate will be
provided at least 30 days in advance.


Proposed Bylaws Revision for Your Review October 1-14

The Board approved a revision to the Bylaws for general membership vote during our Annual Meeting on Dec 11. Summary of Changes are available here for your review:

*    Restore purpose to align with the Articles of Incorporation, and clarify geographic area

*    Expand elected Board term of office from 1 to 2 years with a 2 consecutive term (4 years) limit; and change elections from annually to every 2 years

*    Change the At Large position from elected to appointed, add the option for appointment of a second At Large position, and describe the duties of this position

*    Add to General Duties of All Board Members

*    Update non-Board appointments to current practice and add Duties 

*    Add non-liability of Board

*    Describe Individual and Dual Membership and minimum age

*    Clarify Board term of office

*    Add to reasons for AGP membership termination

*    Administrative edits and clarifications

Please contact agp.artguild@gmail.com  if any questions or comments. The final proposed revision will be provided at least 30 days in advance of voting by show of hands at our General Member Meeting Dec. 11.

(Current bylaws.)

AGP_Bylaws 31Dec2014_clean draft 12Sept2022.pdf

AGP_Bylaws 31Dec2014_redline draft 12Sept2022.pdf