Proposed Bylaws Revision for Your Review October 1-14

The Board approved a revision to the Bylaws for general membership vote during our Annual Meeting on Dec 11. Summary of Changes are available here for your review:

*    Restore purpose to align with the Articles of Incorporation, and clarify geographic area

*    Expand elected Board term of office from 1 to 2 years with a 2 consecutive term (4 years) limit; and change elections from annually to every 2 years

*    Change the At Large position from elected to appointed, add the option for appointment of a second At Large position, and describe the duties of this position

*    Add to General Duties of All Board Members

*    Update non-Board appointments to current practice and add Duties 

*    Add non-liability of Board

*    Describe Individual and Dual Membership and minimum age

*    Clarify Board term of office

*    Add to reasons for AGP membership termination

*    Administrative edits and clarifications

Please contact  if any questions or comments. The final proposed revision will be provided at least 30 days in advance of voting by show of hands at our General Member Meeting Dec. 11.

(Current bylaws.)

AGP_Bylaws 31Dec2014_clean draft 12Sept2022.pdf

AGP_Bylaws 31Dec2014_redline draft 12Sept2022.pdf

Art Class at SAC

Member Sharon Collins is offering a class in collage! She wanted to get the word out that there are scholarships, and she’s also looking for someone to assist as a work-study. This could be by the week, or for the whole series. If you are interested, please contact Sharon Collins at the email listed below, or see her phone number listed in the latest newsletter.
See class details below.

14th Annual 50|50 Fundraiser

Sanchez Art Center opens the 14th annual 50|50 Show on Friday, Sept 9 with an amazing array of small (6” x 6”), affordable artworks.

Congratulations to the three AGP members who are in the show, Susan Friedman, Carol “Coco” Pan and Jennifer Alpaugh.

The Opening Fundraiser will be held Sept 9–Sept 10; the 9th is already sold out! Ticket holders select a date and time interval to see the show in its entirety (over 2,700 pieces of art), and to purchase their favorite pieces, which can be picked up or shipped to buyers the week of Sept 12.  The Opening Fundraiser also offers live music, beverages (for a donation), and a chance to chat with 50|50 artists. Tickets are limited and none will be available at the door, so purchase yours early at Saturday tickets are still available! As of the free Public Opening on Sunday, Sept 11, 12 pm–6 pm, art buyers get to immediately take their purchases home.

From Sept 16 through the show’s closing on Oct 9, galleries are open regular hours, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday 1–5 pm. Our safety protocol includes facemasks being required for the opening fundraiser and strongly recommended at all other times in the gallery.

CFE for 64th Annual Members Exhibit

64th Annual Members Exhibit is coming around the bend. Here are the dates to save, and the CFE.

Receiving – PLEASE NOTE: Thursday, Oct 13, 5-6:30 pm and Friday, Oct 14, 10-noon No entries accepted after receiving closes Fri, 12 pm.

If you are unable to drop-off artwork during receiving, please make arrangement for someone to drop-off artwork for you.

Opening Reception – Fri, Oct 21, 7-9 pm (State & San Mateo County health guidelines permitting, check for updates)

Return –Sun, Nov 20, 5-6:30 pm & Mon, Nov 21, 10-noon All entries must be signed out and removed from the Sanchez Art Center by Nov 21, 12 pm.

Artists not picking up their artwork may be charged $10/day, payable to Sanchez Art Center. Artwork not picked up after thirty days becomes the property of Sanchez Art Center.

Questions: or (650) 355-1894

Call for Entry: 

We Would Love Your Input

We invite you to contribute to our theme suggestions for the coming year! We cannot guarantee that your suggestion will be selected, but it will definitely be submitted for a vote. Please see the additional page on the end of the CFE linked above. Just hand it in with your exhibit entry at drop off. We look forward to your creative ideas for shows!

Thank you so much!

Sketch Night July 27

Instead of centering around a topic if discussion, the next Artist Gathering will be a sketch night! These have been great fun in the past. Save the date if you’d like to join in. Details below.

CFE Positively Beastly

The next show is fast approaching. The title theme this round is Positively Beastly. 
Click Here for the Call for Entry.

Dates to keep in mind:

Pickup for Tell Me A Story/Drop Off for Positively Beastly: Sun, 6/26, 5-6:30 pm & Mon, 6/27, 10 am-12 pm

Note New Policy: No entries accepted after receiving closes Mon, 12 pm. If you are unable to drop-off your artwork during receiving hours, please make arrangement for someone to drop-off artwork for you.

Opening: ​Fri, 7/15, 7-9 pm

Return:  ​Sun, 8/14, 5-6:30 pm & Mon, 8/15, 10 am-12 pm

See call for entry form for further details.
Questions: or (650) 355-1894.