Virtual Artist Gathering – The Balancing Act of Social Media

Please join us on Zoom as we discuss balancing how to work social media platforms like Instagram and Facebook to grow and enhance your art. It is important to as an artist to have an audience and, in this day and age, we have the whole world in our hands! We will walk through the basics of showcasing your art and growing an audience.

You do not need to be on any of these platforms already to learn how they can help you. In fact, we hope that if you aren’t, this will be a start to getting you there. It is a balancing act, but it can greatly work in your benefit!

For your convenience, there will be two meeting times to choose from:

Wednesday, March 3rd at 7pm 

Sunday, March 7th at 11am 

Meeting details to come in an email next week. 

Perspective Artist Spotlight

Detail from Walter Thoma’s painting featured in our current Artist Spotlight.
Dear AGP Members, 

Our First Artist Spotlight

We are excited to begin featuring three artists from each show on the Gallery of our website! Artists are selected at random, and asked to share a bit about their work.

Our first three artists are Dody Lapworth, Kimberlie Moutoux, and Walter Thoma.
Click here for the Perspective Artist Spotlight.