Call for Entry – Perspective

Alan Firestone’s award winning piece.
Dear AGP Members, 

We hope you had a good holiday season, and that this message finds you healthy and safe!

Call For Entry 

Time to dive in with our first show of the new year, Perspective. 
Click Here for entry form.

Appointments will be necessary for drop off and pickup, we will send you an email with a link closer to time.

Receiving – Sun 1/31/2021 & Mon 2/1/2021 – appointment times to be announced
Return – Sun, March 21 and Mon, March 22, times to be announced

Renew Membership – It’s still a low $25 for the calendar year!
 Here or mail your check to Art Guild of Pacifica, PO Box 582, Pacifica, 94044

Thank you, and we look forward to seeing your Perspective!

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