Left Coast Annual Show

We are happy to announce that four members of AGP were accepted into the Left Coast Annual show this year. They are Jamey Brzezinski, Lisa Kairos, Michael Schnee, and Nancy Russell. Congratulations to them!

If you are interested, there will be a Virtual Artist/Curator “Gallery Talk” on Sunday the 26th of April, via Zoom.

Go to SanchezArtCenterVirtualGalleries.org to sign up and participate!

Be Well, AGP Community!


COVID-19 Update

Please check with the Sanchez Art Center to see if its galleries are currently open or closed due to shelter-in-place restrictions. By extension the Art Guild activities are also paused.

We apologize for this inconvenience, and we hope you will continue to find solace in making art at home. In the meantime we have created a Gallery page to contain virtual exhibitions for view while we are unable to visit in-person.

Continue to visit here for other ongoing member news.

Please take care of yourselves, stay healthy and enjoy each day as much as possible. We will be here, ready to show your work once again, when this ordeal is resolved.